Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

I was blessed to have a wonderful earthly father.
I have been a Daddy's girl since the moment I entered this world.
I love my dad.

I love my daddy very very much!

But, as I was growing up with all that love for my daddy.... I didn't understand that he was providing me with the foundation of fatherly love that I would look for in a man one day. I was unaware that the very components of what I was grateful for in my dad, I would come to see in another man... another dad.

When I met my hubby, he almost instantaneously became my best friend.
When I married my best friend, he instantaneously became my everything on this earth.
When I saw my everything on this earth hold my everything God knitted together in my womb... 
that was just the beginning of an even greater love.

My Best Friend and his son.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads.... the Daddy's... the Best Friends... the wonderful men in the world that have heeded the call to be an amazing earthly Father!

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