
Friday, December 20, 2013

WORDS: Reflecting

Since the end of the year is approaching quickly, I have begun my reflecting process.

I used to not enjoy reflecting on the past year. But as I have gotten older, I realize it is a necessity for my growth. Sometimes reflecting can cause old hurt to rise up.... or it can bring joyful memories to the mind. But, this year.... reflecting has brought a sense of accomplishment to my heart.

This was the year that I went all out there with my art.
Well, "all out there" for a homeschool mom like me.
But, none-the-less... all out there!

I am grateful for the expression I have been able to release on canvas and for the relationships I have cultivated through events and commissions.

I am THANKFUL I listened to my heart...
and my heart is whispering again.

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Hello my friends! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy reading each and every word. Have a FABULOUS day!