
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ARTWORK by JOJO: Let There Be Spring


I can't wait.... I love spring.

So, I have been into a spring-like groove when it comes to my color choices.
Here are some new pieces:

Acrylic on 24" x 24" Canvas | In Your Eyes | Available
Acrylic on 26" x 48" Canvas | Malachite Madness | Available
Acrylic on 24" x 24" Canvas | Invisible Touch | Available
Now that gets me all warm and fuzzy with the feeling that spring is just around the corner!

Monday, February 24, 2014

WORDS: Lose Sight


Just what I needed to cross that ocean today!
Hope you find it to be inspirational as well, friends.


Friday, February 21, 2014

CRUSH: Christine Dovey

Have you seen Christine Dovey's designs?

I am crushing.... seriously crushing.

She has the perfect mix of glam and traditional, or as she is known for.... bijou style!


To read more about this Ontario designer, go to her blog: Christine Dovey!

Have a FABULOUS Friday!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Artwork by JoJo : New Blues

I don't know how the weather is in your area. 

I have several friends and family who are still undergoing heavy cold and snow. 
Here in Dallas, it has been in the lower 70's and sunny the last 2 days. 
Just gorgeous!

So, I have been enjoying walks outside and painting inside [with the sun beaming in].

Here are a few new available pieces!

Acrylic on 36" x 48" Canvas | Billie Jean | Available

Acrylic on Framed 11" x 14" Canvas Board
Faith | Available
Acrylic on Framed 11" x 14" Canvas Board
9 to 5 | Available

Have a FABULOUS week, friends!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day


Thank you for leaving footprints on my heart...
Each. One. Of. You!

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine Table Setting

Once upon a time there lived a very unromantic man.

He married a lovely charismatic girl who liked to celebrate every occasion.

Many years went by and the two learned to compromise in the most lovely ways...

That unromantic man is now my VERY romantic hubby.
That lovely girl was me.

Now, with our many years of compromising, we celebrate Valentine's Day with a stay-at-home dinner affair!

Some years we extend invitations to friends to help partake in our feast.
Every year, since kiddo was born, the table is set for at least 3.

I prepare the meal all day.... 
a hearty dinner and decadent dessert that even Julia Childs would be impressed with.

Kiddo helps me decorate the table setting and our home.

We enjoy exchanging gifts before dinner.... then we dig in.

The table setting is different every year, and this year....
We went with a red / orange / pink / glam / animal theme.

As always, I mix metals and I mix vintage with modern pieces.
We are totally excited about setting it up for Valentine's Day!

Do you have any Valentine's Day traditions?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Pretties Added to my Kitchen

I've done [yet another] update to our little Double-Wide in the Sky.

This time... in the kitchen!

And I have got to say.... I LOVE IT!

When we first moved in 2.5 years ago [wow, I can't believe it's been that long now!], I knew I wanted something on the wall of our kitchen. Essentially, this is our only kitchen wall, but 1 of 3 actual walls in our main living area [the 4th is a wall of windows]. This wall had to have interest!

So, I had white platters and a clock on hand when we moved in... 
and that's what I initially scattered on this wall. 
It worked well.
For almost 2.5 years.

But then.... I wanted something with a little more POP!
A little more artisty-fartsy!

And that's when I designed this:

I love the 3D component of this display.

The ceramic flowers can be found here at Arhaus.
I ordered both the medium and small magnolia plates.
And the clock is a cheap one from found here.

I left the hash marks out from the display of the clock, I like the simplicity of just the numbers. 

I quite enjoy the coloring of the ceramic flowers. I thought I was going to miss the white, but this is more subtle, more delicate which actually adds to the overall artistic display. Plus, I love how they complement the drapery.

I might add a few more flowers, but in the meantime I am pretty pleased with this look.
I will say, the clock has only been up for a few days and it has already lost time on several occasions. Grrrrr... not a fan of climbing up on that counter and fixing it. Since it was a descent price, I may get another and replace it.

I updated the Home Sweet Home page, so you can see all the recent "New Pretties" throughout our home.
It's amazing the transformation that has taken place over the last 2.5 years.

But, I must say... I LOVE spending time in my home.


Monday, February 10, 2014

WORDS: Beautiful

I had this wild and crazy weekend!

It was SO out of the ordinary for me.... I was PAMPERED!

Boy, do I mean... I WAS PAMPERED!

I was actually a model for a day!

A real-life model.... with a photo shoot.... with a stylist... with makeup.... with hair.... it was 

I have never felt more beautiful.


I thought this quote was perfect to start this week.
I want to be beautiful every day and this is a great way to "apply the make-up".

Speaking of applying make-up...

Miss Bridgette applying my make-up for the photo shoot this past weekend.

I'll share the details with y'all about the project when it is released.... let's just say....
there is a lot of Heart and Soul involved!

For today, I can share with you something else that was an honor and privilege to do.
I shared my Heart Story with for an article on their website to help raise awareness about Heart Disease in women.

Please go here to read the photo essay about my story and the story of 2 other women.

Photo utilized in this story on -- Photo credit goes to my 9 year old son!

Now, off to the REAL world of laundry, cleaning, teaching, and all the other wonderful things that make me beautiful!

Friday, February 7, 2014

National Wear Red Day

It's National Wear Red Day and I am sporting my RED!


A little pop of RED can... make a BIG impact!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

ME: Going Red

I believe a DASH of GLAMOR and
makes everything... SIMPLY... DIVINE.

Water Color on 8" x 10" Paper - Crazy for You

But, Heart Disease isn't GLAMOROUS.
I should know.... I am a Heart Disease Survivor!

I volunteer with the Go Red for Women Passion Committee to help fight heart disease.
You can read a little bit about my Heart Story here.

I also paint to help fight heart disease.
Hence, this painting:

3 Years - Original Abstract Acrylic Painting on 36" x 36" Canvas by JoJo
It was painted to help raise funds for the American Heart Association.

Friday, February 7th is National Wear Red Day!

I will be wearing red to help support the fight against heart disease in women.

To find out more information on the Go Red for Women Movement and heart disease prevention go here to the American Heart Association website.

The above painting is entitled "3 Years" to honor the over 3 years since my 2nd (out of 3) and most serious heart surgeries. That operation has changed my life... for the better! I utilized the color RED because of the boldness, passion, statement, and heart that is represented with the color. 

"3 Years" will be available at auction this Friday at the Dallas Go Red Luncheon
All proceeds will go to the American Heart Association.

Heart disease is the #1 Killer of Women in America.
1 out of 3 women will die from heart disease.
It kills more women than all the cancers combined!

Will you join me in GOING RED?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


This is my latest piece to be donated.

Acrylic on 36" x 40" Canvas - The Tide is High - Donated to Dwell with Dignity

I mentioned Dwell with Dignity in this post from last August when I announced my first piece of artwork I donated to them for their Fall Thrift Studio.

Since then, I had two pieces of work in their 2013 Fall Thrift Studio Vignettes:

Designed by Leslie Pritchard of Again and Again
Acrylic Diptych on 36" x 48" - Again and Again 

Designed by Katie Reynolds of Lilli Design
Acrylic on 48" x 48" Canvas - Raspberry Beret

"The Tide is High" will be available for purchase at Dwell with Dignity's 2014 Spring Thrift Studio.

The Spring Thrift Studio will be kicked off with a Preview Party on April 10th. 
With their list of designers for this season's vignettes... it's sure to be AMAZING!


Monday, February 3, 2014


I know it's the 3rd.

I know we have already covered almost 10% of this month.

But, I forgot to publish this post on February 1st.... so, I wanted to do it now.


Acrylic on 36" x 36" Canvas - Every Rose Has Its Thorn

The above artwork was inspired by my Heart Story.

February is Heart Health Month and this Friday, February 7th is National Wear Red Day. 

I'll be participating by wearing RED to help raise heart disease awareness in women.
Here are some interesting GO RED facts:

Fact 1: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in women.
Cardiovascular diseases cause death in every 1 out of 3 women.

Fact 2: Heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined, but is often undiagnosed.
1 in 30 women die from breast cancer each year. 1 in 3 dies of cardiovascular disease.

Fact 3: Cardiovascular disease kills more women than men.

Join me in GOING RED this Friday!
